Saturday, June 3, 2023

Jesus, I trust in You

WHAT TO SAY if grays knock on your door witheir spooky, alternative endings,
their plethora-of-fabricator-accolades-which-reeeks-like-the-sewer-they-came-outta:
See this, fools?” (hold-up Cross/Rosary ‘round neck). Who’s this, thy-farts-art-
foul? Be gone in Jesus Name” (calmly shut rood) —> With all those Literal, Glorious
Crosses surrounding my humble abode (one of em sez: HELL AIN’T COOL), that
actually ‘smells’ like rank, palpable excrement to those neurotic-8th-graders. Wellll...
Almost. See, they’re on summer break-before-the-Lake of immortal narcissism —>
They can never gain entry if you speak the Name.
AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM!’ (Latin: for the Greater Glory of God!)

Friday, May 19, 2023

‘I have paid the price, but you must do your part’ -Jesus

Q: what’s free will?

A: God’s decision:

‘There are many ways to love my Son;

the Eucharist is only One’

-our Mother, 6.11.22

‘God only gives moxie

to those who see the

need for humility’

-blessed b9

So don’t be FELINE;

make a BEE-LINE

into God’s Arms.

Be bold! Be rogue!

Be on fire for God!!!

DO NOT be a lamechop;

don’t be a worthless, o’BOMBa shelter.

Exceed God’s extravaganza:

ACCEPT Jesus, ya wild card.

Take your first finger and

hold it close to your thumb.

The space in between is how

lengthy our lives are;

then comes eternity,

longer than Walmart,

longer than ‘exponentially extravagant’.

And who decides which realm?

We, ourselves and our eyes.

-the residude

Friday, February 10, 2023

El Diablo’s a master deceiver, too, lovely-Satanist-women:

If 1-outta-1 croaks;
If I’m a true NDEr;
If you worship Satanic idolatry;
If atheists (anyone actually) have no way
Home without Jesus, we cannot be stupid anymoe, Curly -
 sHe asks for U.S. to go home, kneel at the foot of the bed and repent.
Yay!! sHe will save YOU if you call upon the Name, too.
 If you don’t, if you refuse till the last, chaotic, toxic moment of thy wee existence, me wee lad, God! Blessa! Youse!
I shall certainly pray for U.S.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

the PAIR...

My Grace is all you need.
My power works best in
-2 Corinthians 12:9
Ha! No doubt!!!

Friday, May 29, 2020


DO NOT take
the Mark of the
filthy antichrist
which is coming.
You really think
you're immune to
the Abyss o'Misery,
Barak O'bomba??
Have your ol knoggins
chopped-off by 'la guillotine'
which'll save YOU a Meggga
Lotta Time AND! you'll be
a martyr which not everyone
receives that high place of
distinction in His Kingdom.
Q: How'dya do it? Easy.
A: Just walk down to your
nearest slaughterhouse
facility after the Rapture,
tell'm you aint taking no
[a-hem] chip and, ta-da!
they'll prepare you for
your Homecoming
to Seventh-Heaven!
No fuss, no muss!! In less
than ONE HOUR, you'll be
Upstairs enjoying eternity.
I definitely would, bro...
but Im not gonna be here.
Satan is all about deception.
Dont believe in the devil?
Thar ya go, mate!!
Ignorance aint gonna
save your soul, child.
Jesus, I trust in You

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Lessons On Humility:

Precious, precious RollyPollies in their black, RollsRoyce are extremely popular and phenomenally humble, no exception exists: plowing along withat elusive vibrancy, their aenteni implying their swagger, their relentless refusal to be impressive in their insuborinate behavior is remarkable and daunting, their adorable, self-centered-accuracy is priceless.

I nominate YOU for bugOyear, every year (dragonflies would come in less-than-a-nanometer behind). If sow bugs love to crawl under rocks to find safety from the world, however, I guess I'm a total-rolly-polly and Miss Wisdom is my rock

(FYI: chitin: the material in the bridge of your nose, not as hard as bone but close - precisely what their cute, lil 'shells' are made outta as they curl-up into a ball when they feel threatened. Dude. C'mon. My Pop's a psychiatristneurosurgeonparexcellance. Howd'ya think this knowledge morphed onto me?)

Say the universe is as long as California; furthermore, say the literal number 99999999... ran ALL the way upNdown that state in a Papyrus font. That alone would make anybody's soul pleased PRECISELY because you know the numeral would eventually come to an end, finally reach the epilogue.

Our existence is exactly like a TRI-angle, however large or small our finite existence is, and the base is earth where we were born. As you grow older, the TWO sides 
eventually meet, the TWO ultimately converge, or it wouldn't be called a TRI-angle, it'd be called a wreck-tangle like what happened to us.

A triangle grows together, nevertheless, the TRI-nity; exactly how God wants it, that's how God made us: a stopping point is decided for all - our mortal demise. In your Finite Existence, pick wisely wherest thou goest, bubba. Ain't no comin' back if you don't like it.

Unbelievable how I see most young adults who only lookit the superficial, never bothering to see the genuine, the substantial, refusing to look inside in this lost, culture of idols.

God does love U.S. passionately; however,
that doesn't take away our FREE WILL to turn away - whatever WE choose for our eternity, the Trinity will graciously bestow upon U.S.

"The blessed will not care what angle they're regarded from, having nothing to hide"

Monday, June 24, 2019

Quick! Catch that drip!!

Just imagine, if you will,
God and the raggedy,
black-sheep sitting
'round the campfire,
dusk is approaching,
shootin' the shit,
cuttin' the crap in Aramaic,
eating yummy fish and stale bread.


Not to let his clothes katch fire,
not yet anyway, Jesus sees the
explosion, He hears the flagrant,
robust exultation as the Most High
waits till a sufficient distance has
elapsed before asking them if they'd
like to see an optilogical spectikle
of the Highest Magnitude, as the
ripe, juicy phart rises, slowly
dissipating into the Israeli atmosphere.

If the apostles farted as much
as I do, which you know some of 'em
did, wouldn't it be a succint scream
if Jesus lighted 'em with a wORd ...?

Wonder if He'll do that in Heaven -
pro'bly, if us mortals asketh Him.
Sulpher, common in our flatulations,
has an extremely HIGH combustion
rate, a very great possibility He did.

Betchur BOTTOM dollar the apostles
had a fun time in the wilderness.
Buncha hot-air, huh? You and i know
they did, so lighten-up about religion.

God's a "Most Excellent Dude"
-Bill and Ted
(softly caressing their air guitars)